Directing and producing for television with a multi-camera approach takes skill, innovation, and precise planning. This book gives you the tools you need to effectively direct and produce
television. The conversational style of the book includes instructional anecdotes scattered throughout each chapter, showing you how to avoid common pitfalls in directing for television and how
to create excellent programs.
Directing and Producing for Television addresses critical production techniques for various formats, including panel discussions, demonstrations, music, commercials, PSAs, news, documentaries,
reality television, remote broadcasts, and sports. Written with both the director and producer in mind, but particularly relevant for the television director, Directing and Producing for
Television gives a comprehensive overview of the facility (studio, control room, and support areas) and details the various jobs and personnel involved in television programs.
In-depth coverage of script formats, schedules, and routines, along with a core focus on fundamental principles behind directing for television, make this a complete guide for beginning
television directors.