Horror and exploitation films have played a pioneering role in both American and world cinema, with a number of controversial and surreal movies produced by renegade filmmakers. This collection
of interviews sheds light on the work of 23 directors from across the globe who defied the conventions of Hollywood and commercial cinema. They include Alfred Sole (Alice, Sweet, Alice),
Romano Scavolini (Nightmares in a Damaged Brain), Stu Segall (Drive-in Massacre), Joseph Ellison (Don’t Go in the House), David Paulsen (Savage Weekend, Schizoid),
Jörg Buttgereit (Nekromantik, Schramm), Jack Sholder (Alone in the Dark, The Hidden), Marinao Baino (Dark Waters), Yoshihiko Matsui (Noisy Requiem) and Jamil Dehlavi
(Born of Fire). More than 90 photographs are included, with many rare behind-the-scenes images.