The health of our planet and out selves depends on how we plan, design, and construct the world between out buildings. Out increasing dependence on fossil fuels over the last century has given
us unprecedented individual mobility and comfort, but the consequences are clear. Climate change, sprawl, and reliance on foreign oil are just a few of the challenges we face in designing
new---and adapting existing---communities to be greener.
Based on the National Building Museum's Green Community exhibition, this book is a collection of thought-provoking essays that illuminate the connections among personal health, comunity health,
and our planet's health. Green Community brings together diverse experts, each of whom has a unique approach to sustainable planning, design, politics, and construction.
Green Community is a rich, fact-filled, and up-to-date collection of today's critical environmental issues and how to deal with them. It is invalubale. Roberta Brandes Gratz author of The
Living City: Thinking Smell in a Big Way and Cities Back from the Edge: New Life for Downtown
Green Community is a thoughtful, provocative collection of essays that explore a dizzying range of concepts that are contained in that elusive phrase "green community." These timely essays
vitally inform us---poised as we are on the cups of what will likely be generational changes in our global economy, in how we provide the energy we need, in how we travel, and in our ideas
about what constitutes "the good life" in our neighborhoods, towns, cities, and suburbs around the world. Harriet Tregoning confounder and former director of the Smart Growth Leadership
Institute, former secretary of the Maryland Department of Planning, and cofounder of the Smart Growth Netwwork
Today, more than any time in history, we live in a global economy where quality of place drives the free flow of capital. And as the lines beteen urban, suburban, and rural challenges blur,
from poverty to housing affordability, strong neighborhoods are increasingly becoming a yardstick with which we measure America's success. Green Community is a definitive work on the
sustainability challenge, offering us a blueprint for integrated transportation, housing, and land-use development and catalyzing a new generation of metropolitan and rurla decision-making that
builds a geography of opportunity for every American. Shaun Donovan Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development