Packed with 75 simple, actionable strategies straight from the trenches of the service industry, Selling Sunshine explores the peaks and valleys of running your own business through the eyes of
a proven expert. Growing up in a single-parent family in the Midwest, author Tony Hartl had the odds stacked against him. From a young age, Hartl took little more than an entrepreneurial spirit
and a lot of hard work and turned it into one profitable business after another. By applying the tips detailed in Selling Sunshine, he overcame the obstacles of poverty, became a homeowner
while still in his teens, and put himself through college. His greatest success, founding and running the Planet Tan Corporation, saw his net worth jump from $10,000 to millions of dollars in a
thirteen-year period. Hartl's example is a blueprint for creating, maintaining, and growing a meaningful business with a fulfilling company culture.