This volume contains six recent Canadian plays for elementary school age audiences; it is a companion to Things that Go Bump, Volume 1: Plays for Young Adults.
Three of the plays - Lig & Bittle, Bluenose, and Under the Big Top - employ the art of clowning, in various ingenious manifestations, to examine themes of Longing and belonging. The Secret
Life of the Octopus and The incredible Speediness of Jamie Cavanaugh take place in the child's real-life world of school and home, but follow them beyond and into the world of imagination and
exploration. A Giraffe in Paris, based on a real event in the early nineteenth century, whisks the audience on a travel adventure. Through humour and great characters, the scripts explore large
issues with an entertaining verve.
Cast size varies from two to four actors. An interview with the playwright follows each script, discussing the play's evolution and intent.