101 Things I Learned in Business School
- 作者:Matthew,Michael W./ Frederick,Preis
- 出版社:Grand Central Pub
- 出版日期:2010-05-20
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0446550280
- ISBN13:9780446550284
- 裝訂:精裝 / 19.1 x 14 x 2.5 cm / 普通級
◆ 從行銷、管理到經營,提示101個商場上以不變應萬變的成功法則
◆ 最簡練的文字,提示最基礎的概念與最深刻的啟發
在過去短短十多年,數位科技的進步和網路的發展,大大地改變了商業世界的秩序和傳統的商場運作方式,並造成了企業的典範轉移。 例如:以Amazon為主的網路購物快速崛起,帶來了新的「長尾經濟」模式。Google、Skype、facebook的廣泛應用,促成了「免費經濟」的形成。Apple的創新,推出的iPod、iPhone、iPad先後改變了音樂、手機、平板電腦的產業競爭模式。
如何因應瞬息萬變的商業世界,以不變應萬變? 本書從經濟、財務、人事、行銷、廣告、管理到經營,提供最佳的商業指南,幫助每位上班族用最短時間,破解商場之道,學會最基礎卻又最具啟發的不變法則。
101 THINGS I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL will cover a wide range of lessons that are basic enough for the novice business student as well as inspiring to the experienced practitioner.
he unique packaging of this book will attract people of all ages who have always wondered whether business school would be a smart career choice for them. Judging by the growing number of people taking the GMATs (the entrance exam for business school) each year, clearly more people than ever are thinking about heading in this direction.
Subjects include accounting, finance, marketing, management, leadership, human relations, and much more - in short, everything one would expect to encounter in business school.
Illustrated in the same fun, gift book format as 101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL, this will be the perfect gift for a recent college or high school grad, or even for someone already well-versed in the business world.
麥可.普雷斯(Michael W. Preis)
MICHAEL PREIS has served as President and consultant in numerous businesses and currently teaches at the University of Illinois. He holds a Ph.D in Business from George Washington University, and an MBA from Harvard. His expertise includes sales performance, industrial marketing, retail dynamics, and organizational strategy. His writing has been published in numerous journals.
馬修.佛德烈克(Matthew Frederick)
為建築師、 城市設計師、教師,《建築的法則:101個看懂建築,讓生活空間更好的黃金法則》(原點出版)作者,和「我學到的101件事」(101 Things I Learned)系列的創造者、編輯和插畫家。住在麻州康橋。