Presented by Schneider (sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-U. Mainz, Germany) and Meil (sociology, U. Aut籀noma de Madrid, Spain), this is one of two volumes resulting from the multi-national and
multi-disciplinary research project "Job Mobilities and Family Lives in Europe. Modern Mobile Living and it Relation to Quality of Life," which conducted a survey in Belgium, France, Germany,
Poland, Spain, and Switzerland focused on job-related mobility experiences and subjective willingness to become mobile among some 7000 Europeans of employable age. This first volume assesses
job-related spatial mobility on the national level, whereas the second volume will focus more on the European level. Topics addressed by the research include the number of people geographically
mobile for professional reasons; the ways people are mobile; differences between countries, sexes, and classes; reasons and circumstances for becoming or staying mobile; and consequences of
mobility for individuals, their families, social life, and coexistence within societies. Distributed in the US by ISBS. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (