He emerging "green economy" consists of businesses and careers that focus on developing alternative energy sources, conserving natural resources, and protecting the environment. It includes a
range of traditional jobs that are being expanded or modified to meet these goals as well as a variety of new jobs created in response to specific needs, and it has the potential to drive the
creation of millions of new "green-collar" careers in the coming years. The Green Careers series examines the key work areas in which green jobs are appearing. Each volume profiles 15 careers
and provides all the basic information needed to understand the nature of the job: a history of the profession, key duties, education and training requirements, potential earnings, work
environment, outlook for the future, and helpful resources. Box features and interviews provide further information.
The green economy is changing how we communicate, learn, and travel, and these changes are creating new jobs. From teaching about environmental problems to reporting on conservation issues to
planning eco-friendly business trips and vacations, Communication, Education, and Travel looks at many careers in these fields.
Writes print and Web content for nonprofit organizations, publishing companies, corporate consulting groups, advertising agencies, and entrepreneurs. Her published books include Career
Opportunities in the Visual Arts and Career Opportunities in Photography. She has also edited or contributed to numerous books for Ferguson, including the Career Discovery Encyclopedia. She is
a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Editorial Freelancers Association, and the Freelancers Union.