Is there such a thins as British graphic design? There is certainly a lot of it: from the high degree of sophistication, erudition and conceptualization of London-based practitioners such as
Mark Farrow, Browns, BiliothFque, Studio8, Sea, Spin, Proud Collective, NB Studio, Shaz Madani and William Hall, to the relentless visual experimentation of image-makers such as Build,
Ehquestion-mark, Universal Everything, Julian House, Family, Hellovon, James Joyce, Tom Hingston, Me Company, Village Green, Yes and Studio Output, not to mention the wonderfully eclectic work
of hopelessly cosmopolitan entities such as Winkreative, Non-Format, Fuel, Tomato, Matt Dent, FI@33 and the designers under the Pentagram umbrella, whose sophisticated internationalism is
typified in the work of Domenic Lippa & Angus Hyland. Put all these types together and you get a heady mix. So what happened to British graphics in the last few years? Who did what? With
whom? When? Where? Open this book. Find out.