Every fourth or fifth year since 1986, the classics department at the University of Amsterdam calls forth the International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics to ponder a specific topic
within the field. The sixth iteration was held in Groningen in June 2007, devoted to the communicative framework within which classical texts were produced and received. Participants submitted
papers beforehand, then spent their time together discussing the ideas. Out of that milieu emerged most of the 12 essays here on such topics as pragmatic presupposition and complementation,
dialogue, whether Greek particles are just a literary phenomenon, text types and narrative structure in Euripidean messenger speeches, the perfect as a situating cohesive device, and the proem
of Hesiod's Theogony. Quotations are in Greek with English translation. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)