Puttaswamaiah, who edits the International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, compiles 35 chapters on the growth of economics in the twentieth century. Economics scholars from
across the globe discuss the nineteenth-century background; the ideas of Adam Smith, Adolph Lowe, Karl Marx, Fran癟ois Quesnay, Alfred Marshall, John Maynard Keynes, and other thinkers; and
topics such as option-pricing theory, the history of the field, the critical economic systems approach, the sociology of economic knowledge, Say's Law, class and monopoly, productivity growth
and inflation, and the lives and contributions of some of the Nobel Laureates to the field. Typographical and grammatical errors appear throughout the introduction. Distributed by Enfield
Distribution Co. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)