Part how-to; Part memoir. A sharp, inside look at adventure expeditions from a seasoned expert in Adventure marketing. The book includes tales of daring in the adventure travel world, like the
tale of 33-year old ex-Navy SEAL, Dwight Collins, who set his mind to completing the fastest Trans-Atlantic voyage ever on a bicycle-powered boat (4 days, 20 hours). Blumenfeld also explores
the darker side of the business, retelling the story of a corporate sponsorship he coordinated in which a 25-year old freediver was killed as she attempted a world record dive in the Dominican
Republic. Blumenfeld stood on the boat's deck with her husband as the body was pulled aboard from nearly 500 feet underwater. Also included is a practical guide for adventure travelers - Paying
for your trip - grants, sponsorships, etc; Adventure Organizations; Recommended Reading and Viewing; Guide Services worldwide.