The experts at Off Track Planet bring you this roadtripping guide to ’Merica. A country filled with rich culture, museums, shopping, sightseeing, partying, art and music, festivals,
nightlife, and more, this guide includes all the information you’ll need to take on the great nation of ’Merica.
This edgy reference book will include information on fashion, climate, health and safety, budgeting, and where to stay, as well as show you how to navigate every mode of transportation from
buses to Uber, explore the finest art museums to the most tagged urban beauty, discover bodegas, delis, corner stores, and tasting menus around the country, visit weird landmarks, take
cheap must-do tours, and crash anywhere from a hostel to a couch. Complete with pre-departure suggestions, OTP Tips and Fun Facts, as well as illustrated maps and 200+ full-color photos,
this comprehensive travel guide is equally entertaining as it is informative.