Moms and dads, do you know how much fun you can have in the kitchen with your kids? From breakfast to snacktime to supper, we’ll show you how easy it is to make yummy food together. Each
recipe features steps written just for kids so they can follow along with a little help from mom and dad. Whimsical illustrations and colorful photos grab their attention and keep them
engaged. Recipes for delicious, home-spun breakfasts, snacks, suppers, and desserts, such as French toast skewers with blueberry sauce, mini burgers with sweet potato fries, granola bites,
orange-yogurt pops, and snowball cupcakes, will have your kids wanting to be in the kitchen cooking with you time and time again. Cooking with your kids is not only a great way to spend time
together, it also teaches kids about food and entices them to try new flavors.