This two-volume work, edited by Brebbia (Wessex Institute of Technology, UK), Neophytou (U. of Cyprus, Cyprus), Beriatos (U. of Thessaly, Greece), Ioannou (U. of Cyprus), and Kungolos (U. of
Thessaly), collects 48 papers from the fourth International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning, held in Cyprus in May of 2009. Written by scientists and other stakeholders
concerned with the scientific investigation of sustainable development as well as management strategies and assessment tools for policy and decision makers on the planning level, the papers
address a wide range of issues, including city planning; regional planning; social and political aspects of sustainable development; rural development; cultural heritage; transportation; safety
of users in road evacuation; ecosystems analysis, protection, and remediation; environmental management; environmental impact assessment; indicators of sustainability; sustainable solutions in
developing countries; sustainable tourism; waste management; flood risk management; and resource management. Examples of specific topics discussed include management of the urban spatial
setting to determine the effect of urban heat island in Bangkok, Thailand; Islamabad, Pakistan, as a town planning example for a sustainable city; the role of universities in innovation and
sustainable development in regional planning; the ethics and governance of natural heritage and urban growth; the use of silica fume for sustainable and environmentally-friendly concretes; and
sustainable building codes as a tool of management and protection of rural areas of Abruzzo, Italy. The US office of WIT Press is Computational Mechanics. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc.,
Portland, OR (