A prerequisite for good entrepreneurial management is an enterprising attitude on the part of the people involved. Productivity of an organization can only be improved with proper management.
The influences of family, social institutions, governance and leadership also play a significant role in the management of an organization. Common managerial challenges such as competition,
resource scarcity, shortage of power and capital, technology upgradation and cost of production require the attention of policy makers. Creating and developing an entrepreneurial mindset in
people, would help an organization face all challenges to enhancing the life of a product in the marketplace.
To motivate people and achieve growth, leaders are required to navigate both internal and external conflicts. Consequently, the role of entrepreneurial leadership and management becomes
important for students as well as entrepreneurs. All these issues are dealt with in this volume on entrepreneurial management consisting of 14 papers, written by management professionals,
faculty, research scholars, consultants and administrators.