Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice, and Culture
- 作者:Andrew M.,Pomerantz
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2008-01-24
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1412937523
- ISBN13:9781412937528
- 裝訂:精裝 / 532頁 / 3.8 x 19.7 x 23.5 cm / 普通級
• Includes a full chapter on cultural issues in the introductory section of the book.
�?��Offers a full chapter on ethical issues in the introductory section of the book.
�?��Presents a full chapter in which current and controversial topics are discussed from both sides of the debate.
�?��Integrates discussion of ethical and professional issues throughout the book.
�?��Incorporates useful pedagogical tools that serve to connect unfamiliar clinical psychology concepts to the everyday life of students. These include a "Considering Culture" box in each chapter following the chapter on culture, "Denise inPsychotherapy" boxes that illustrate how a client would be treated according to various approaches, at least one "Metaphorically Speaking" box in most chapters that use metaphors to teach students about new concepts, and end-of-chapter critical thinking questions.
�?��An Instructor's Resource CD-ROM provides PowerPoint slides, a computerized test bank, suggested class activities, sample syllabi, Web and video resources for each chapter of the text.
�?��A Student Study Site at self-quizzes, e-flashcards, sample case studies, Internet exercises and suggested Web resources, and SAGE journal articles with discussion questions.
This balanced text gives upper-level undergraduate or first-year graduate students of Clinical Psychology an extensive review of different clinical approaches as well as a greater level of cultural understanding.