The Art of Motion Picture Editing

The Art of Motion Picture Editing
NT $ 873
  • 作者:LobruttoVincent
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2011-04-12
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1581155123
  • ISBN13:9781581155129
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 240頁 / 普通級


How to tell a story with sound and images—from raw footage to finished film

Ever made a home video? Ever posted on YouTube? Ever longed to be discovered for the great director you have within you? Then you need The Art of Motion Picture Editing, the book that teaches exactly how to use images and sound to tell a story. The tools, methods, and processes of movie editing explained in this book give filmmakers everything they need to know to turn separate shots into scenes and scenes into flowing narrative. Discover the language of editing, from composite shots and flash cuts to dissolves, reverse angles, and more; explore schools of editing thought, including Russian montage, cinema verite, Italian neorealism, and Hollywood continuity; follow shot-by-shot analyses of beautifully edited scenes. Profiles of ten great editors, a list of 100 essential movies, and special considerations for digital editing make this a must-have for anyone interested in visual storytelling.

• Everyone is a film editor now—if they want their videos to rise to the top at YouTube

• Spells out all the tools of editing for visual storytelling

• Cinematic history, plus an appendix of 100 films with great editing
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