What would you give to stand up at a press conference or go into any executive presentation, sales call, employee review, or media interview with confidence, knowing that whatever type of
question is thrown at you, you’ll be able to handle it? Now you can. Through Tough Questions–Good Answers you’ll learn why there is no need to fear tough questions when you know how to identify
them and craft your answer to reflect the message you want to deliver. To do that, this easy-to-read guide will show you how to create good messages first, and then deliver them effectively.
Top media consultant Tom Calcagni presents his unshakeable What-Why-How technique proven time and again to be extremely effective for high-stakes public presentations. When you are faced with
tough questions from determined board members, reporters, or members of the public––and in your every day communication with friends, family, and business associates––you’ll learn how to
control the interview, think before you speak, and deliver your message every time. You will develop the confidence and skills to craft results-driven answers to any type of question and be
confident that the important ideas YOU want to express are heard––a system that can make the difference between success or failure for you and your company.
"With the help of the simple techniques described in this book and a little practice, you’ll develop the confidence and skills to craft results-driven answers to any type of question and be
confident that the important ideas YOU want to express are heard––a system that can make the difference between success or failure for you and your company.’" -- SLA Bookstore
"Tough Question-Good Answers authored by communications expert and media expert Tom Calcagni is an excellent title to add to your current must read list. This book is also a vital addition to
both personal and library collections. In an entertaining and practical writing style, the author precisely explains how to get your message across clearly and succinctly. There is valuable
guidance on how to develop strong personal and professional messages for any situation you may encounter in answering the most difficult questions on the job or at home. Tom Calcagni knows the
industry from the inside and outside. While many books discuss various theories of becoming an expert communicator, Tough Questions-Good Answers shows you with proven success. -- Rebecca B.
Vargha Librarian, Information and Library Science Library University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and President, Special Libraries Association
“In his book "Tough Questions -- Good Answers," Thomas Calcagni discusses how to use questions as a springboard for communicating your key points.” -- Gabe Goldberg, The Washington Post,
"Networking is a learnable skill. Many books offer tips and techniques for getting started. Two favorites are: Make Your Contacts Count provides networking know-how for business and career
success and lists several common mistakes, by Ann Baber and Lynne Waymon. Tough Questions—Good Answers helps focus messages to convey and deliver them effectively in various settings, by Thomas
F. Calcagni” -- Gabe Goldberg, The Editorial Advantage blog, 2008/03/07