This book brings into print editions, translations, and commentaries for more than two dozen unique poems (in Latin) from the late eleventh and early twelfth century, preserved in Houghton
Library's anthology known as MS Lat 300. This book offers unparalleled access to the anthology, previously unavailable in English.
From a literary point of view, those interested in lyric poetry composed in Old French and Old Proven�{l have paid increasing attention to Latin poetry that circulated in France, and of
course those wishing to trace the background of the Carmina Burana have reason to study this kind of collection, but many poems remain unedited and even more cry out for translation and
contextualization. With the publication of the accompanying facsimiles, palaeographers may now be able to solve the puzzle of where the manuscript originated--its story between the Napoleonic
wars and 1965, when it was purchased by Harvard. All told, this volume opens the way to advances in medieval studies.