No Man’s Land: What to Do When Your Company Is Too Big to Be Small but Too Small to Be Big
- 作者:Doug,Tatum
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2007-09-13
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1591841720
- ISBN13:9781591841722
- 裝訂:精裝 / 245頁 / 2.5 x 15.9 x 23.5 cm / 普通級
至於何謂「無人之境」?一家連年成長、員工數超過 20 人、少於 100 人的公司,即進入早期的「無人之境」階段。在「無人之境」中,就像經歷人類的青春期,成長總是伴隨著自我探索、必要的原則,以及有益卻艱難的轉變。不幸的是,在企業家的主觀意願和永恆不變的成長法則中,這個階段也是一場極為痛苦的戰役。到最後,往往令人困惑、充滿挫折、耗費心力、員工士氣低落,而更糟的是……財務惡化。
"I travel the country speaking about No Man's Land to entrepreneurs and business leaders. Wherever I go, I get the same response. Listeners approach me with sadness in their eyes and say, 'Doug, if only I had known about No Man's Land when I was running my company, we might still be in business.'"-Doug Tatum
If starting a company is difficult, leading a company once the business has caught fire is infinitely more so. Thousands each year approach the dangerous transition that Doug Tatum calls No Man's Land-when they are too big to be considered small but still too small to be considered big.
Rapid growth is every entrepreneur's dream, but it never comes easily and is usually rife with dilemmas. During No Man's Land, as in human adolescence, such growth should spark self- discovery, acquired discipline, and positive but difficult transition. Unfortunately, it often becomes an agonizing battle between the natural tendencies of a lonely entrepreneur and certain immutable laws of growth. The result is confusion, frustration, stagnation, loss of employee morale, and, at worst, financial failure.
Sounds pretty bleak. The good news is that Doug Tatum knows exactly what it takes to get through No Man's Land: a map, a high place from which to orient yourself, and navigational rules to help you track your progress. And these tools are here in this book.
Through case studies and stories of successes and failures, No Man's Land will help you learn how to:
*Align your growing company with its market.
*Execute the necessary changes in your management.
*Confirm that your financial model is scalable.
*Attractmoney and make smart decisions about financing your business.
If you're an entrepreneur, this book will help you make your company all it can be and all you want it to be. It will prepare you for a ride that just might be wilder than you ever imagined.
道格.塔頓(Doug Tatum)
塔頓公司(Tatum, LLC)董事長創辦人,該公司是美國最大且成長最快速的金融與科技業顧問服務公司,擁有全球33個分支據點、超過1000名的專業人士。在美國國會開始關切稅法政策及許多成長型公司面臨財務問題以前,塔頓就已經是投資市場公認的專家,而且是全球商業界極受歡迎的演說家。目前住在美國亞特蘭大市郊的農場。