What makes humans human? How do humans differ from all other animals, and even from our prehistoric ancestors? Our fascination with the human mind is not new. Throughout history, people have
been puzzled, mystified, and even riveted by the actions of others. Literature, science, religion, philosophy, education, and politics all demonstrate our desire to know more about ourselves.
By why do we have such an insatiable interest in human behavior?In BRAIN WAVES THROUGH TIME, Dr. Robert T. DeMoss takes us on a spellbinding journey through time and space to explore
the age-old question: What makes humans unique? How have we reached our position of preeminence among all living plant and animal life, and what drove our ascent to this commanding place? How
secure is our position? The answer revolves around the very essence of what makes us distinctly human—our brains.A gifted writer and respected psychologist, DeMoss probes the deepest recesses
of our brain and the vast stretches of human knowledge to weave a broad tapestry depicting the richness of human thought and behavior. Incorporating 12 principles to explain the rise of
humankind and the evolution of human behavior, he explores the circumstances that came together to produce the extraordinary way we think, learn, and store memories—how did the emergence of a
growing brain alone spark the sweeping advances that humans have made? BRAIN WAVES THROUGH TIME explains the dynamic forces that ignited the creation of art, the invention of written
language, and the domestication of crops and beasts. Out of this evolution arose the only species that can contemplate its own future, that can think about the very act of thinking, and that
has built mighty civilizations—and destroyed them too. Never before has a book provoked us to rethink our place in nature and how we might best flourish and fulfill our innate promise.