Call Me by Your Name
- 作者:Aciman,Andre
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2007-01-23
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0374299218
- ISBN13:9780374299217
- 裝訂:精裝 / 248頁 / 14.6 x 21.6 x 1.9 cm / 普通級
◆美國《Future Canon》雜誌選書
◆2007年《西雅圖時報》書評人厄普丘奇(Michael Upchurch)年度最愛好書
如果你已經準備好要深深感動你的臟腑,喜歡勇敢、尖銳、狂喜、赤裸、殘忍、溫柔、人性與美麗的散文,那麼你找對書了。如果你無法面對這本小說即將在你內心喚起的強烈懊悔,或記起渴求某個人勝過人生任何事物所帶來的痛苦、得到或失去某樣近乎完全瞭然的東西而來的猛烈折磨,那麼請不要讀這本書。如果你喜歡經過審查的文學作品,那麼也請不要讀這本書。否則,請翻開封面,讓作者艾席蒙拉開催淚彈的保險梢。——《愛的歷史》(The History of Love)作者尼可.克勞斯(Nicole Krauss)
《以你的名字呼喚我》是一本美麗與智慧兼具的書,分毫不差地以既輕盈又凝縮的謹慎,寫作其戲劇場面每一刻的精確真實。這本書將巧妙地立足於書架上介於詹姆斯.鮑德溫《喬凡尼的房間》(Giovanni’s Room)與愛德蒙.懷特《男孩故事》(A Boy’s Own Story)之間的位置。這也是一本絕佳的小說,描述地中海夏日感官的光芒,與充滿欲望的日日夜夜。艾席蒙的非小說作品一直清楚地告訴我們,有朝一日他會寫出一本很棒的小說,然而這部作品卻是奇蹟。——《大師》(The Master)作者柯姆.托賓(Colm Toibin)
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year
A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year
A Washington Post Best Fiction Book of the Year
A New York Magazine “Future Canon” Selection
A Chicago Tribune Favorite Book of the Year
One of The Seattle Times’ Michael Upchurch’s Favorite Books of the Year
An Amazon Top 100 Editors’ Picks of the Year
An Amazon Top 10 Editors’ pick: Debut Fiction (#6)
An Amazon Top 10 Editors’ pick: Gay & Lesbian (#1)
Call Me by Your Name is the story of a sudden and powerful romance that blossoms between an adolescent boy and a summer guest at his parents' cliff-side mansion on the Italian Riviera.
During the restless summer weeks, unrelenting but buried currents of obsession, fascination, and desire intensify their passion as they test the charged ground between them and verge toward the one thing both already fear they may never truly find again: total intimacy. Andre Aciman's critically acclaimed debut novel is a frank, unsentimental, heartrending elegy to human passion.
安德列.艾席蒙Andre Aciman
著有回憶錄《出埃及》(Out of Egypt)、《偽報告:關於流放與記憶的論文集》(False Papers: Essays on Exile and Memory)、《進入:法國符碼》(Entrez: Signs of France),編有《普魯斯特計畫》(The Proust Project)。他在紐約市立大學研究中心(Graduate Center of the City University of New York)教授比較文學,與家人同住在曼哈頓。
Andre Aciman is the author of Out of Egypt (FSG, 1995) and False Papers (FSG, 2000), and the editor of The Proust Project (FSG, 2004). He teaches comparative literature at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He lives with his family in Manhattan.