Keeping Hearth & Home in Old Alabama is a "how-to" book, but not for you. Drawn from a wealth of authentic Victorian-era books and magazines, it is like the book your great- or
great-great grandmother might have read at age 17 to prepare herself for the etiquette of courting, to learn how to conduct herself in public, and to learn what would be required of her
during marriage. Later, she might have read the same book through all over again, for ideas about how to arrange the parlor and how to direct her children's playtime. It's also the book she
would have grabbed off the shelf the first few times she needed to butcher and prepare a hog, make cologne, clean her finest church silk, or make a syrup to treat her baby's nagging cough.
Finally, she could depend upon it to provide sure-fire recipes for the most common edible dishes - and disease remedies - of the day.So welcome to the family household in old Alabama. Come
indoors, pull up a fireside rocker, and discover how the everyday rituals of a bustling nineteenth-century home can bring history to life more vividly than ever.