No place offers more for free than New York--but only if people know how to find it. Lucky for us, "The Cheap Bastard" has found it all and shares his secrets in this witty, exhaustively
researched guide. With attitude and humor, author Rob Grader, a born-and-bred New Yorker, reveals how to obtain theater and museum admission, health care and yoga classes, free furniture and
pets, not to mention food and wine. But he doesn't stop there. While other guides list some of the goods and services available for free or for a pittance, The Cheap Bastard's Guide
contains twice as many listings, delving into areas that are not even touched by the competition. There's even a section on finding great stuff in other people's trash ("Street Shopping"),
with an accompanying map of garbage pick-up days by neighborhood. Readers will learn:
> How to gain free entrance to plays, concerts, museums, and television tapings
> Where to find free classes in anything from belly dancing to wine appreciation
> How to land a low-cost apartment in a luxury building--without paying a broker's fee
> Where to find cheap food, including happy hours, free gourmet samples, and half-price meals
> How to get a free haircut or highlights at a leading salon