Authored by John Santrock, a prominent developmental psychologist, and Jane Halonen, an educational leader in critical thinking, this concise text appeals to instructors who want to emphasize
student self-awareness in the pursuit of college success goals, as well as active learning strategies. This new edition features iLrn College Success-an integrated testing, tutorial, and class
management system that is as powerful as it is easy to use. iLrn correlates self assessments, electronic journals that encourage students to reflect on their progress, essay questions and
exercises, and "Test Your Knowledge" interactive quizzes to each of the ten chapters in this concise text. Other highlights in this new edition: the latest research in motivational strategies,
including revisions to the "Six Strategies for Succcess" model that provide more opportunities for active learning, new "Career Connections" that apply chapter concepts to real-world job
situations, new and updated "Images of College Success" features that open each chapter and show how real students have mastered the college experience to become successful in their chosen
fields, and "Learning Portfolios" that personalize learning for each student.