The Script-Selling Game: A Hollywood Insider’s Look at Getting Your Script Sold and Produced

The Script-Selling Game: A Hollywood Insider’s Look at Getting Your Script Sold and Produced
NT $ 593
  • 作者:Kathie F.Yoneda
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2002-06-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0941188442
  • ISBN13:9780941188449
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 195頁 / 15.2 x 22.9 x 1.3 cm / 普通級


Explains the processes of developing, pitching, and submitting stories. The book includes such unique information as a 10-point checklist for a completed script, the eight most common reasons why a script can be rejected, what really happens to a script once it's submitted, how to navigate within the industry, and much more.


  • ISBN:0941188442
  • 規格:平裝 / 195頁 / 15.2 x 22.9 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
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