Serialize Family Faces and Variety in Graphic Design Creating a range of designs with a recognizable and continual element is a standard requirement well observed by many designers. Serialized
design can be seen everywhere from magazine covers to posters, letterheads, brochures and CDs to advertising. They need to be recognizable but yet have a fresh appeal every time - this book
examines how designers approach the topic and looks at the applications and solutions they use to create a series of designs. Creating a family face is crucial in order to leave a lasting
impression. This is done by enforcing familiarity and producing a general recognizable atmosphere. Serialize features a broad range of applications, techniques and signature solutions employed
by designers in serializing a design. It also expounds on the function and role of serialized design. Through abundant examples, images and explanatory text by the designers themselves, this
book investigates the key elements and links that distinguish serial designs from one another. This book provides guidelines to and examples of how to solve one of the most ubiquitous design