"Psychotherapist, mother, and author Christine Conners never doubts that the decision of a professional woman to stay home with her young children is the right one. In From High Heels to Bunny
Slippers, she supports their decision to personally care for their children with compelling new research on childcare and its potential negative effects on young children, as well as her own
firsthand experience as a co-founder of the NASA child development centers. Unlike previous books aimed at this growing readership, Conners recognizes and addresses mothers' adjustment problems
that, like any major life event, arise from the decision to quit your job and stay home. She offers tools and strategies that gently lead the professional woman from the challenge of her work
world into the new challenges of parenting full-time. She sympathizes, as a stay-at-home mother herself, with the immediate frustrations of loss of personal identity, financial difficulties,
depression, and marital discord. As a mental health professional, she offers her proven techniques for forming a strong new identity as a parent when you leave your career, for addressing
financial woes through part-time work and money-saving strategies, for overcoming social isolation, depression, anger, and stress, and for finding personal fulfillment during this special time
with your young children."