Where Have I Gone Right?: The Right Mountain Guide to Getting the Job and Life You Want

Where Have I Gone Right?: The Right Mountain Guide to Getting the Job and Life You Want
NT $ 908
  • 作者:HayhurstJim
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2004-01-26
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0470833548
  • ISBN13:9780470833544
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 224頁 / 2.5 x 20.3 x 23.5 cm / 普通級


Praise for The Right Mountain

"A book that first captures the heart and then goes on to snare the mind. The lessons go down easy, but they refuse to go away....If there is an unclimbed Mount Everest in your life, I highly recommend this book. It will first help you decide if you’re on the right mountain; and then it will guide you to the top."
—H. John Greeniaus, Former President & CEO, Nabisco, Inc.

Looking for a job?

Changing careers?

Returning to the workforce?

Trying to find balance?

Rethinking your lifestyle?

Searching for fulfillment?

When you come to an important crossroads in life—particularly when it is forced upon you by an unexpected or unhappy event—it is human nature to ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"

That is not the right question to ask. As a matter of fact, such brooding and negative thinking will take you entirely in the wrong direction, away from where you really want to go.

The better question to ask—the question that opens doors, creates opportunities and helps take you where you want to go—is: " Where Have I Gone Right? "

In Where Have I Gone Right? The Right Mountain Guide to Getting the Job and Life You Want , Jim Hayhurst offers his simple, unique approach to making key decisions and living a more satisfying life. His engaging, conversational writing, compelling metaphors and anecdotes from his years as a career counselor and business leader make this simple and practical guidebook the new standard for managing your career…and your life.

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