Credit Derivatives Pricing Models: Model, Pricing and Implementation

Credit Derivatives Pricing Models: Model, Pricing and Implementation
NT $ 5,425
  • 作者:Philipp J.Schonbucher
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2003-07-07
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0470842911
  • ISBN13:9780470842911
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 600頁 / 3.2 x 17.8 x 25.4 cm / 普通級 / 初版


Since its inception, the market for credit derivatives has shown impressive growth and is expected to hit a volume of more than $4.8 trillion by 2004. Credit derivatives have begun to transform modern banking; they have become a standard instrument for the management of default risk; they are being used for risk management and hedging as well as for speculation, balance-sheet management and regulatory capital purposes.

Despite their great usefulness, even established professionals often feel insecure when it comes to the quantitative analysis of the prices and risks of credit derivatives. Confronted with a bewildering variety of fundamentally different pricing approaches, it can be very challenging to understand their relative advantages and disadvantages and to choose the "correct" one for the problem at hand.

In this book, the author carefully explains the different pricing models for credit derivatives in a very application-oriented way. Based on his wide experience in professional training for credit derivatives analysis, the models are developed with a view to their application to real pricing problems rather than just presenting the theory.

Philipp Schönbucher is one of the most talented researchers of his generation. He has taken the Credit Derivatives world by storm. In this book he carefully explains the concepts and the mathematics behind all of the most important and popular credit risk models. Professor Schönbucher has filled an important gap on the quantitative finance bookshelf. –Paul Wilmott

The reader is presented with a clear, concise and readable treatment of credit pricing models that will appeal to practitioners and academics. It provides a useful roadmap to the many daily challenges that face practitioners. It will become a standard reference.
–Stuart M. Turnbull, Senior Vice President, Fixed Income Research, Lehman Brothers, NY

"This is the most comprehensive, and also the clearest, book on the details of constructing credit risk models that I have read. Throughout, it is directly useful for general value-at-risk credit modelling as well as its stated focus of credit derivatives. Readability is greatly enhanced by its step-by-step organization across what has grown to be a large topic area and the focus of its single author, as opposed to a collection of disjointed papers. Alternative modelling frameworks are written in a common notation and the reader is given all the details needed for direct implementation. The author, Philipp Schönbucher, is clearly one of the top researchers in this area, even before the writing of this book." –Greg M Gupton,

"Philipp addresses a wide range of modelling issues in the fast growing market of credit derivatives. He covers a broad spectrum of topics starting with the simple everyday trading tools while gradually building up to the more complex mathematical models. It successfully bridges the gap between academia and practice in an elegant and easy style, making it a valuable book for a wide audience"  –Ebbe Rogge, Product Development Group, Financial Markets, ABN AMRO

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