How to Use This Book
1 About the GRE General Test
Structure and Content of the Test
Preparing for the Test
Test—taking Strategies for the Computer—delivered Test
Test—taking Strategies for the Paper—delivered Test
Understanding GRE Scoring
2 GRE Analytical Writing
Overview of the Analytical Writing Measure
Preparing for the Analytical Writing Measure
General Strategies
Analyze an Issue Task
Analyze an Argument Task
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze an Issue
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze an Argument
Score Level Descriptions
3 GRE Verbal Reasoning
Overview of the Verbal Reasoning Measure
Verbal Reasoning Question Types
4 GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions
SET 1.Discrete Questions: Easy
SET 2.Reading Comprehension Questions: Easy
SET 3.Discrete Questions: Medium
SET 4.Reading Comprehension Questions: Medium
SET 5.Discrete Questions: Hard
SET 6.Reading Comprehension Questions: Hard
Answer Key
Answers and Explanations
5 GRE Quantitative Reasoning
Overview of the Quantitative Reasoning Measure
General Problem—solving Steps
Quantitative Reasoning Question Types
Using the Calculator
Mathematical Conventions for the Quantitative Reasoning Measure of the GRE General Test
6 GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions
SET 1.Discrete Questions: Easy
SET 2.Discrete Questions: Medium
SET 3.Discrete Questions: Hard
SET 4.Data Interpretation Sets
Answer Key
Answers and Explanations
7 GRE Math Review
Part 1: Arithmetic
Part 2: Algebra
Part 3: Geometry
Part 4: Data Analysis
8 GRE Practice Test 1
Section 1: Analytical Writing
Section 2: Analytical Writing
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning
Evaluating Your Performance
Answer Key
Score Conversion Table
Analytical Writing Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries
Section 1: Analyze an Issue
Section 2: Analyze an Argument
Answers and Explanations
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning
9 GRE Practice Test 2
Section 1: Analytical Writing
Section 2: Analytical Writing
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning
Evaluating Your Performance
Answer Key
Score Conversion Table
Analytical Writing Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries
Section 1: Analyze an Issue
Section 2: Analyze an Argument
Answers and Explanations
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning