
NT $ 208
  • 作者:劉念雄
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版日期:2016-03-01
  • 語言:簡體中文
  • ISBN10:7302395012
  • ISBN13:9787302395010
  • 裝訂:273頁 / 普通級 / 2-1





緒論 建築熱環境設計的目標: 舒適、健康、高效Building Thermal Environment: Creation of Comfort, Health and Efficiency1

第1部分人·建築·氣候——基於人的考慮Human·Building·Climate—Thinking of People
1 人與建築/Human and Building
1.1 人的熱舒適/Thermal Comfort
1.1.1 生存/Survival from Nature
1.1.2 熱感覺與熱舒適/Thermal Perception and Thermal Comfort
1.2 人體熱舒適影響因素/Thermal Comfort Factors
1.2.1 環境物理狀況/Physical Environment
1.2.2 人體活動因素/Human Activity
1.2.3 服裝因素/Clothing
1.2.4 個體因素/Individual Difference
1.3 室內熱感覺的量化評價/Quantification and Evaluationof Indoor Thermal Perception
1.3.1 量化指標與測量/Parameters and Measurements
1.3.2 熱平衡方程/Thermal Balance Equation
1.3.3 熱舒適指數/Thermal Comfort Indices
1.3.4 生物氣候圖/Bioclimatic Chart
1.4 室內熱環境設計標准/Indoor Thermal Environment Design Standard
2 氣候與建築/Climatic Sensitive Architecture Design
2.1 氣候與建築設計/Climate and Architecture Design
2.1.1 氣候與氣候分區/Climate Zones
2.1.2 中國氣候特征與區划/China Climate Zones
2.1.3 大氣溫室效應/Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect
2.1.4 氣候設計維度/Climatic Design Scales for Climate
2.2 結合氣候設計的要素/Climate Elements for Architecture Design
2.2.1 太陽輻射/Solar Radiation
2.2.2 空氣溫度/Air Temperature
2.2.3 氣壓與風/Air Pressure and Wind
2.2.4 空氣濕度/Atmospheric Humidity
2.2.5 凝結和降水/Condensation and Precipitation
2.3 氣候敏感性建築設計策略/Strategies for Climatic Sensitive Architecture Design
2.3.1 宏觀氣候設計策略/Macro and Meso Climatic Design Strategies
2.3.2 微觀氣候設計策略/Microclimatic Design Strategies
2.3.3 傳統方法與現代技術/Vernacular Solutions and Modern Technologies

第2部 分材料·構造·圍護結構——基於技術的考慮Material·Construction·Envelope—Thinking of Technology
3 傳熱學的基本概念和原理/Principles of Thermal Physics
3.1 輻射與輻射換熱/Radiation and Radiation Heat Transfer
3.1.1 輻射的反射、吸收和透過/Reflection, Absorptance and Transmission
3.1.2 輻射換熱/Radiation Heat Transfer
3.2 對流與對流換熱/Convection and Convection Heat Transfer
3.2.1 自然對流和受迫對流/Free Convection and Forced Convection
3.2.2 表面對流換熱/Convection Heat Transfer
3.3 導熱與導熱換熱/Conduction and Conduction Heat Transfer
3.3.1 導熱/Conduction85
3.3.2 導熱換熱/Conduction Heat Transfer
4 建築材料和構造的熱工特性/Building Materials and Construction88
5 建築圍護結構熱工設計原理/Building Envelope Thermal Performance and Design98

第3部分 建築·形式·細部——基於設計的考慮Building·Shape·Detail—Thinking of Design
6 建築與建築熱環境設計/Building and Thermal Environment Design
7 圍護結構節能設計/Manipulating Envelope and Fenestration
8 太陽與建築/Sun and Building1758.1 太陽運行規律/Sun Path and Description
9 建築與能源和碳排放/Building Energy Usage and Carbon Emission
10 可持續發展建築觀/Sustainable Architecture View
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