瑪格麗特•米切爾編著的《飄(共2冊字里行間英文經典)(英文版)》講述了:Gone With the Wind was simply the most talked about novel in American popular culture from a time predating its actual publication, and its screen adaptation
was the biggest event movie of the 20th century. The story is set in Clayton County, Georgia, and Atlanta during the American Civil War and the Reconstruction Era. It depicts the experiences of
Scarlett O’’Hara, the spoiled daughter of a well-to-do plantation owner, who must use every means at her disposal to come out of the poverty that she finds herself in after Sherman’’s March to
the Sea.
瑪格麗特•米切爾(1900—1949),美國現代著名女作家。出生於亞特蘭大市的一個律師家庭,獲文學博士學位,擔任過《亞特蘭大新聞報》的記者。 1937年她獲得普利策獎。1939年獲紐約南方協會金質獎章。1949年不幸死於車禍。她短暫的一生並未留下太多的作品,但只一部《飄》就足以奠定她在 世界文學史上的地位。這也是世界文學史上銷量最大的作品。