A Diagnostic Test in Part I follows this introduction. Thistest will help you quickly identify your weaknesses and gaps inyour knowledge of the topics. You should take it under testconditions
(in one quiet hour). Use the Answer Key immediatelyfollowing the test to check your answers, read the explanations forthe problems you did not get right, and complete theself-evaluation chart
that follows the explanations. Theseexplanations include a code for calculator use, the correct answerchoice, and the location of the relevant topic in the Part 2\〃Review of Major Topics.\〃 For
your convenience, a self-evaluationchart is also keyed to these locations.
The majority of those taking the Level 2 Mathematics SubjectTest are accustomed to using graphing calculators. Whereappropriate, explanations of problem solutions are based on theiruse.
Secondary explanations that rely on algebraic techniques mayalso be given.
Part 3 contains six model tests. The breakdown of test itemsby topic approximately reflects the nominal distributionestablished by the College Board. The percentage of questions forwhich
calculators are required or useful on the model tests is alsoapproximately the same as that specified by the College Board. Themodel tests are self-contained. Each has an answer sheet and
acomplete set of directions. Each test is followed by an answer key,explanations such as those found in the Diagnostic Test, and aself-evaluation chart.