
NT $ 365
  • 作者:徐國成(主編)
  • 出版社:遼寧科學技術出版社
  • 出版日期:2012-02-01
  • 語言:簡體中文
  • ISBN10:7538173285
  • ISBN13:9787538173284
  • 裝訂:203頁 / 普通級 / 2-3






1.顱(前面觀)The skull(anterior view)
2.顱(側面觀)The skull(lateral view)
3.顱底(下面觀)Base of the skull(inferior view)
4.顱(上面觀)The skull(superior view)
5.顱(后面觀)The skull(posterior view)
6.顱底(內面觀)Base of the skull(internal view)
7.顱底、硬腦膜和腦神經The base of the skull,cerebral dura mater and cranial nerves
8.硬腦膜、硬腦膜竇和腦神經Cerebral dura mater,sinuses of dura mater and cranial nerves
9.矢狀竇、橫竇和乙狀竇的體表投影Surface projections of sagittal sinus,transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus
10.乳突、乙狀竇和面神經的關系Relations of the mastoid process and sigmoid sinus to the facial nerves
11.腦干和頸髓(后面觀)Brain stem and cervical spinal cord(posterior view)
12.海綿竇(矢狀斷面)Cavernous sinus(sagittal section)
1 3.海綿竇(冠狀斷面)Cavernous sinus(coronal section)
14.海綿竇及其周圍結構Cavernous sinus and its surrounding structures
15.顱頂的層次Layers of the top of the skull
1 6.板障靜脈Diploic veins
17.頭頂的血管和神經Blood vessels and nerves of the top of the head
18.顳區的層次Layers of the temporal region
19.腦膜中動脈的體表投影Surface projection of the middle meningeal artery
20.腦膜中動脈的分布區域Distributional area of the middle meningeal artery
21.眉毛、眉弓和額葉的關系Relations among supercilia,superciliary arch and frontal lobe
22.面動脈、腮腺、腮腺管和顳淺動脈的體表投影Surface projections of the facial artery,parotid gland,parotid duct and superficial temporal artery
23.頭面部血管和神經(側面觀)(1)Blood vessels and nerves of the head and face(lateral view)(1)
24.腮腺The parotid gland
25.腮腺床The parotid bed
26.頭面部血管和神經(側面觀)(2)Blood vessels and nerves of the head and face(lateral view)(2)
27.面深層的血管和神經(側面觀)(1)Blood vessels and nerves of the deep layer of the face(lateral view)(1)
28.面深層的血管和神經(側面觀)(2)Blood vessels and nerves of the deep layer of the face(lateral view)(2)
29.面深層的血管和神經(側面觀)(3)Blood vessels and nerves of the deep layer of the face(lateral view)(3)
30.腮腺、舌下腺和下頜下腺Parotid gland,sublingual gland and submandibular gland
31.下頜下三角及其內容Submandibular triangle and its contents
32.面側區的間隙(水平斷面)Spaces of the lateral region of the face(horizontal section)
33.面側區的間隙(冠狀斷面)Spaces of the lateral region of the face(coronal section)
34.顱內、外靜脈的交通Communications of the intra and extracranial veins
35.新生兒顱骨(前面觀)Skull of the newborn infant(anterior view)
36.新生兒顱骨(側面觀)Skull of the newborn infant(1ateral view)
37.新生兒顱骨(上面觀)Skull of the newborn infant(superior view)
38.新生兒顱底(外面觀)The base of the skull of the newborn infant(1ateral view)
39.頸部肌肉(前面觀)Muscles of the neck(anterior view)
40.頸部肌肉(側面觀)Muscles of the neck(1ateral view)
4 1.頸部淺層的結構Structures of the superficial layer of the neck
42.頸動脈三角及其內容(1)Carotid triangle and its contents(1)
43.頸動脈三角及其內容(2)Carotid triangle and its contents(2)
44.枕三角及其內容(1)Occipital triangle and its contents(1)
45.枕三角及其內容(2)Occipital triangle and its contents(2)
46.頸部深層的結構Structures of the deep layer of the neck
47.甲狀腺及其毗鄰(前面觀)Thyroid gland and its relations(anterior view)
48.甲狀腺及其毗鄰(后面觀)Thyroid gland and its relations(posterior view)
49.甲狀腺及其毗鄰(側面觀)Thyroid gland and its relations(1ateral view)
50.前斜角肌及其毗鄰Scalenus anterior muscle and its relations
51.頸根部(前面觀)Root ofthe neck(anterior view)
52.頸根部(上面觀)Root of the neck(superior view)
53.頸根部(側面觀)Root of the neck(lateral view)
54.頸叢Cervical plexus
55.頸部深層肌肉Muscles of the deep layer of the neck
56.頸部筋膜(水平斷面)Fascia of the neck(horizontal section)
57.頸部筋膜(正中矢狀斷面)Fascia of the neck(median sagittal section)
58.頸部淺層淋巴Lymph of the superficial layer of the neck
59.頸部深層淋巴Lymph of the deep layer of the neck
60.胸前壁(內面觀)The anterior thoracic wall(internal view)
6 1.肋間神經及其分布Intercostal nerves and their distribution
63.乳房縱切面Longitudinal section of the mamma
64.乳腺的淋巴Lymph of the mammary gland
65.胸前壁Anterior thoracic wall
66.肺和胸膜的體表投影(前面觀)Surface projections of the lungs and pleura(anterior view)
67.肺和胸膜的體表投影(后面觀)Surface projections of the lungs and pleura(posterior view)
68.左肺和胸膜的體表投影(左外側面觀)Surface projections of the left lung and pleura(left lateral view)
69.右肺和胸膜的體表投影(右外側面觀)Surface projections of the right lung and pleura(right lateral view)
70.氣管和肺段支氣管Trachea and segmental bronchi
71.支氣管肺段(前面觀)Bronchopulmonary segments(anterior view)
72.支氣管肺段(后面觀)Bronchopulmonary segments(posterior view)
73.支氣管肺段(左外面觀)Bronchopulmonary segments(left lateral view)
74.支氣管肺段(右外面觀)Bronchopulmonary segments(right lateral view)
75.支氣管肺段(左內面觀)Bronchopulmonary segments(left medial view)
76.支氣管肺段(右內面觀)Bronchopulmonary segments(right medial view)
77.肺的淋巴管和淋巴結Pulmonary lymphatic ducts and lymph nodes
78.胸腺、心包、胸膜和肺(前面觀)Thymus,pericardium,pleura and lungs(anterior view)
79,上縱隔器官和心包Organs of the superior mediastinum and pericardium
80.上縱隔的結構和心Structures of the superior mediastinum and heart
81.心包腔(1)Pericardial cavity(1)
82.心包腔(2)Pericardial cavity(2)
83.心的血管(前面觀)Blood vessels of the heart(anterior view)
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