
If for instance, we replace the finite group G in the above argumentby a topological group and k by the field of real numbers or the field ofcomplex numbers, or if we take G to be an algebraic group over analgebraically closed field k and A is replaced by the k-algebra of allcontinuous representative functions or of all regular functions over G,then A turns out to be a k-Hopf algebra in exactly the same manner.These algebraic systems play an important role when studying thestructure of G. Similarly, a k-Hopf algebra structure can be definednaturally on the universal enveloping algebra of a k-Lie algebra.The universal enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of asemi-simple algebraic group turns out to be (in a sense) the dual oftheHopf algebra defined above. These constitute some of the mostnatural examples of Hopf algebras. The general structure of suchalgebraic systems has recently become a focus of interest in con-junction with its applications to the theory of algebraic groups or theGalois theory of purely inseparable extensions, and a great deal ofresearch is currently being conducted in this area.


1 Modules and algebras
 2.Algebras over a commutative ring
 3.Lie algebras
 4.Semi-simple algebras
 5.Finitely generated commutative algebras
2 Hopf algebras
1.Bialgcbras and Hopf algebras
2.The representative bialgebras of semigroups
3.The duality between algebras and coalgebras
4.Irreducible bialgebras 
5.Irreducible cocommutative biaIgebras
3 Hopr algebras and relnmmamtlom of group
 1.Comodules and bimodules
 2.Bimodules and biaIgebms
 3.Integrals for Hopf algebras
 4.The duality theorem 
4 ApplimlJons to algebraic groups 
1.Affme k-varieties 
2.Atone k-groups
3.Lie algebras of affme algebraic k-groups
4.Factor groups
5.Unipotent groups and solvable groups
6.Completely reducible groups
5 Applications to field theory
 2.Jacobson’’s theorem
 3.Modular extensions
Appendix:Categories and functors
 A.1 Categories
 A.2 Functors
 A.3 Adjoint functors
 A.4 Representable functors
 A.5 φ-groups andφ-cogroups
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