Bibliographical Note
Chapter 1 Introduction:the First British Winner of the NobelPrize for Literature and a Controversial Writer
1.1 Rudyard Kipling Reconsidered
1.2 Rudyard Kipling』s Works and Their Value
1.2.1 Rudyard Kipling』S Writing Career
1.2.2 The Value of Rudyard Kipling』S Works
1.3 A New InterpretatiOn
Chapter 2 The Rise and Fall of Rudyard Kipling in Literary Critical History
2.1 Criticism of Rudyard Kipling in England
2.1.1 Rudyard Kipling』s Meterotic Rise to Fame
2.1.2 Satire and Criticism
2.1.3 Rudyard Kipling』s Climb Back to Celebrity
2.2 Critical Reception of Rudyard Kipling Outside England
2.2.1 Critical Reception of Rudyard Kipling in the English and Russian World
2.2.2 Criticism of Rudyard Kipling in China
Chapter 3 Empire and Identity
3.1 The Victorian Period:An Imperialistic Age
3.1.1 The Social and Historical Context
3.1.2 The Cultural and Philosophical Developments
3.1.3 Imperialism in the Victorian Period
3.2 Rudyard Kipling』S Empire
3.2.1 Rudyard Kipling』S Philosophy for Living
3.2.2 Rudyard Kipling』S Identity Crisis
3.2.3 Rudyard Kipling』S Notion of Imperialism
Chapter 4 Fears and Anxieties:Rudyard Kipling』S Early Indian Stories
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Anglo-Indian Stories
4.3 The Military Stories
4.4 The Native Indian Stories
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 Law and Control:Rudyard Kipling』S Indian Stories in Brattleboro
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Persistence of Ideal Imperialism
5.3 The Law
5.4 Anxiety and Divided Loyalties
5.5 Beginning of the East-West Reconc訂iation
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Kim:Reconciliation of the East and the West
6.1 Kim』S Writing and Literary Reception
6.2 Conflicts and Opposition
6.3 Imperialism or Not?
6.4 Kim:Representative of the East and the West
6.5 Revisions:Transcendence of Racism
Chapter 7 Conclusion
凡是熟悉我的人都知道,我是一個十分注重快樂的人,而且是一個可以在生活中經常發現快樂理由的人。說坦白話,我常常感到非常快樂的堅定理由之一是我有不少「精神朋友」(friends in spirit),或者說得更確切點,我有許多「心智伙伴」(intellectual