John Knox’s Fist Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women,one of the most notorious political tracts of the sixteenth century,has been more often referred to than read.Its
true significance as one of a series of pamphlets which Knox wrote in 1558 on the theme of rebellion is therefore easily overlooked .This new edition of his political writings includes not only
The First Blast,but the three other tracts of 1558 - The Letter to the Regent of Scotland,The Appellation to the Nobility and Estates of Scotland,and The Letter to the Commonalty of Soctland -
in which Knox confronted directly the problem of resistance to tyranny .Related material ,mostly drawn from Knox’s own History of the Reformation in Scotland ,illuminates the development of his
views before and after 1558 and illustrates their application in the spectific circumstances of the Scottish Reformation and the rule of Mary Queen of Scots.This edition thus brings tohether
for the first time all of Knox’s most important writings on rebellion.