This is the first collection of the writing of Edmund Burde which precede Reflections on the Revolution in France,and the first to do justice to the connections and breadth of Burde`s thought.A
thinder whose range transcends formal boundaries,Burke has highly prized by both conservatives and liberals,and this new edition charts the development of his thought and its importance as a
response to the events of his day.Burd`s mind spanned theology,aesthetics,moral philosophy and history,as well as the political affairs of Ireland,England,America,India and France ,and he
untited these concerns in his view of imequality .In the writings in this edition,Burke indicated how societies embodying revealed revealed religion and social hierarchy could sustain
civilization and political liberty.These thoughts reached their apogee in flections on the Revolution in France.
This edition provides the student with all the neccessary information for an understanding of the complexities of Burde`s thought.Each text is prefaced by an introduction and brief analysis,and
notes to the texts elucidate the literary and historical references,especially in his writings on the politics of England and America. A general introduction and biographical and
bibliographical essays helps place these works in the context of Burke`s thought as a whole.