The First Words︰Science and Theory
Chapter1 Human Learning︰Science and Theory
Mostly Behavioristic Theories
Chapter2 Pavlov,Watson,and Guthrie︰Early Behaviorism
Chapter3 Thorndike and Hull︰The Effects of Behavior
Chapter4 Skinner﹀s Radical Behaviorism︰Operant Conditioning
Chapter5 Learning and Biology︰Evolutionary Psychology
The Beginnings of Modern Cognitivism
Chapter6 Hebb,Tolman,and the Gestaltists︰Toward Modern Cogintivism
Mostly Cognitive Theories
Chapter7 Bruner and Piaget︰Two Cognitive Theories
Chapter8 Neural Networks︰The New Connectionism
Chapter9 Learning and Remembering︰Models of memory
Chapter10 Motives︰Behavior﹀s Reasons and Causes
The Last Words︰Summary
Chapter11 Analysis,Synthesis,and Integration
Lefrancois﹀s Epilogue
Name Index
Subiect Index
Photo Credits