Preface by Halliday
Preface by Chomsky
沈家(火宣xuan) 序
Typographical Conventions
1.The Categorixation of Colour
1.1 Why colour terms?
1.2 Arbitrariness
1.3 An alternative approach:focal colours
1.4 Autonomous linguistics vs.cognitive linguistics
2.The Classical Approach to Catogorization
2.1 Aristotle
2.2 The classical apprach in linguistics:phonology
2.3 The classical approach in semantics
3. Prototype Categories:Ⅰ
3.1 Wittgenstein
3.2 Prototypes:an alternative to the classical theory
3.3 Basic level terms
3.4 Why prototype categories?
3.5 A note on fuzziness
3.6 Some applications
4. Prototype Categories:Ⅱ
4.1 Prototypes
4.2 Prototypes and schemas
4.3 Folk categories and expert categories
5. Linguistic and Eneyelopaedic Knowledge
6. Polysemy and Meaning Chains
7. Category Extension:Metonymy and Metaphor
8. Polysemous Categories in Morphology and Symtax
9. Polysemous Categories in Intonation
10. Grammatical Categories
11. Syntactic Constructions as Prototype Categories
12. Prototype Categories in Phonology
13. The Acquisition of Categories
14. Recent Developments(1995)