Emergency Medical Services Authority
The EMS Authority is charged with providing leadership in developing and implementing EMS systems throughout California and setting standards for the training and scope of practice of various
levels of EMS personnel. The EMS Authority also has responsibility for promoting disaster medical preparedness throughout the state, and, when required, coordinating and supporting the state’s
medical response to major disasters. Emergency and disaster medical services in California are rooted in the skills and commitment of the first responders, EMTs, nurses, physicians, and
administrators who deliver care to the public and operate the system. In order for high quality services to be delivered with high efficiency, all aspects of EMS systems must work together,
mutually reinforcing and supporting each other for the benefit of the patient. The California EMS Authority, through standard setting, consensus building, and leadership, plays a central role
in improving the quality of emergency medical services available for all Californians.
In California, day-to-day EMS system management is the responsibility of the local and regional EMS agencies. It is principally through these agencies that the EMS Authority works to promote
quality EMS services statewide. EMS Authority staff also work closely with many local, state and federal agencies and private enterprises with emergency and/or disaster medical services roles
and responsibilities.
亞東紀念醫院急診醫學部 主任醫師
亞東紀念醫院急診醫學部 災害管理師