零與靈 Zero ‘n’ Soul
即時旅者 Immediate Traveler I
探索前 Before Exploring II
巴士底 Basseterre
關於你的神像 About Your Statue III
追憶巴士底 Recalling for Basseterre IV
穿越桑提耶 Going across Port Zante V
守島人 The Islander VI
失落的鐘塔 Faded Campanile VII
詠獨立廣場 Singing for Independence Square VIII
艾瑪芮思 Amaranth IX
鵜鶘 Pelicans X
廢耕者 Forgotten farmers XI
一扇窗口 A window XII
夜巷 Night Lane XIII
夜訪鳥岩 Night Visiting in Bird Rock XIV
西岸 Western Coast
舊路鎮,白亭下 Old Road Town, under the White Shelter XV
長眠的要塞 Dormant Fortress XVI
沉船臆想 Imagination for Shipwreck XVII
火口湖 The Crater Lake XVIII
湖之香頌 Chanson of the Pond XIX
北岸 Northern Coast
未褪色的藍 Fading Blue XX
鏡像的海 The Symmetric Seas XXI
海綿礁的蟹 Crabs in Sponge Reef XXII
萊姆詩人 Liming Poet XXIII
對灰色的想念 Missing for the Gray XXIV
東岸 Eastern Coast
走向加拿大村 On the Way to Canada XXV
東岸墨詩 Ink Poetry on Eastern Coast XXVI
黑砂灣的騎士 Rider on Black Sand Bay XXVII
歐特莉的邂逅 A Seeing in Ottley XXVIII
東南半島 Southeast Peninsula
亞特蘭提斯對孩子說 Atlantic Says to Her Son XXIX
風起漣漪 Ripples by Wind XXX
以櫻花之名 Naming with Sakura XXXI
猴山上的夢想家 A Dreamer on Monkey Hill XXXII
老海龜 Old Turtles XXXIII
月之舞 Moondance XXXIV
大鹽湖的藍色孤兒 The Blue Orphan in the Great Salt Pond XXXV
落海虹霓 Falling Rainbow Twin XXXVI
賞景人 Scenery Enjoyer XXXVII
南方渡口 Southern Pier XXXVIII
紅髮沙洲灣Redhead Sand Bank Bay XXXIX
情陷快船灣 Love in Frigate Bay XL
糖糖灣的夜晚 The Night in Sugar Bay XLI
納羅斯海峽 The Narrows
海峽之橋 Sea Bridge XLII
布比島 Booby Island
航向布比島 Sailing to Booby Island XLIII
尼維斯 Nevis
尼維斯的帽子 The Hat of Nevis XLIV
小島溫泉 Island Spring XLV
猶太秘途 A Secret Trail of Jews XLVI
詠科特爾教堂 Singing for Cottle Church XLVII
復活節的雨 Easter Rain XLVIII
銀髮微笑 Smiles from Elders XLIX
受島的諫言 Advices from the Island L
嘉年華 Carnival
土色民樂 Muddy Folk Music LI
舞者 Dancer LII
哨靈 Moko Jumbie LIII
輕 Light LIV
交配舞半歌 Half Song of Mating Dance LV
轉角相遇的兩人 Meeting at the Corner LVI
殖民九歌 Nine songs about colonization
三夜血河 Bloody River LVII
非洲的蝸牛 African Snail LVIII
來自暗室的呢喃Whispers from Dungeons LIX
紅磨坊 Red Mill LX
從鹹魚到生魚 From Salty to Raw Fish LXI
失落的蒸氣國度 A Lost Country of Steampunk LXII
老雨豆樹 Old Saman Tree LXIII
被遺棄的羔羊 Abandoned Lambs LXIV
自組裝之歌 Song of Self-assembly LXV
拉斯塔法里 RasTafari
樹人 Ents LXVI
恐懼之髮鎖 Dreadlocks LXVII
轉化 Transforming LXVIII
世界一愛 One Love LXIX
綠世界假說 Green World Hypothesis LXX
群島之歌 Songs of Islands
旱季短歌 Short Song of Dry Season LXXI
枯心之島 Island with Sorrow LXXII
致德里克•沃爾科特To Derek Walcott LXXIII
魔幻引歌 An Intro of Magic Realism LXXIV
對流浪的渴望 Wanderlust LXXV
鳳梨可樂達 Piña Colada LXXVI
大孩子的舶來品 Imported Goods for Big Children LXXVII
千里達般的女孩 A Trinidad Lady LXXVIII
給騷莎舞伴 To Salsa Partner LXXIX
霧裡的精靈 Elf in Mist LXXX
嘟喜 Dushi LXXXI
喬治時代 Georgian Era LXXXII
群島教我的事 The Tips from the Islands LXXXIII
仙人掌半歌 Half Song of Cactus LXXXIV
歌的碎段 Fragments of song
驚嘆島住民的生活 Daily Life of the Islanders LXXXV
當舊車高歌 When Old Cars Sing LXXXVI
行駛中的假名 Fake Name on the Way LXXXVII
一粒米看世界 Watch the World with a Grain LXXXVIII
對東方浪人的寒暄 Greeting for an Oriental Wanderer LXXXIX
細品餐後 Detail after the Meal XC
健行的藝術 Art of HASH XCI
給情人的墓誌銘 Epitaph for Valentine XCII
水猿 Water Ape XCIII
人間默劇家 Mimes in Reality XCIV
偷腥的貓 Who is Having an Affair XCV
東、西印度人 East and West Indians XCVI
從移民者那裡 From Immigrants XCVII
境遷A Change XCVIII
返航 Return
南島相思 Craving for the Islands XCIX
歸與迴 Return and Linger C
金生金世 Golden Life CI