陳持平畫集 卷九

陳持平畫集 卷九
NT $ 411 ~ 468




  " 藝術治療” 是陳持平的繪畫藝術創作理念。
  陳持平教授,1953 年生,本業婦產科醫師,係素人畫家。陳持平的畫作屬於野獸派,其圖案、顏色、線條、光影,均大膽奔放、熱情如火,並充滿動態之美。野獸出籠,一筆成形,如風火山林、如生命吶喊,令人感動,令人驚艷。陳持平自創之調色盤藝術屬於野獸中的野獸,乃利用殘留在調色盤紙上的顏料,瞬間創作,其爆發出的圖畫,極為震撼感官,且有趣無比。


  "Art therapy" is the cornerstone concept of art creation to Prof. Chih-Ping Chen. Prof. Chen believes that art-making and art appraisal contain the power of healing. An individual enters an infinite space where one’s spirit roams free through the process of creating art, where colour, pattern, line, and shadow intersect and enrich one’s life. The artist’s emotions and eros, as well as pain and pleasure, are elaborated through imagination and depicted through painting. Further,through art appraisal, the viewer could resonate with the creator’s sentiment by appreciating the motif. Art empowers! Art gives comfort to the heartbroken; art adorns an imperfect life; art turns

  people away from pessimistic perspective on life and encourages positive thinking; art can bring oneself immeasurable joy, and make that joy contagious!
  Prof. Chih-Ping Chen was born in 1953 and had been practicing obstetrics/gynecology for over three decades when he became an amateur artist at age 60. Professor Chen’s paintings are characterized by the style of fauvism, with all the bold and dramatic lines and forms, as well as vivid and passionate colors and shades. Swept with the wildfire of his artistic instinct, he composes his paintings with one incessant stroke, so fast and smooth and powerful and confident, with an inner loud cry of his soul that will undoubtedly fascinate the viewers. Unique as it is, this wildest form of fauvism is unprecedented in art history. The painting process is carried out rapidly with pigments left on palette paper, and the final artwork is both gratifying and extremely intriguing.
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