Angela F. Y. Siu
Angela F. Y. Siu is a registered clinical psychologist and has credentials in play therapy. She is also a certified Theraplay® Therapist/Trainer, as well as a certified Filial Therapy
Instructor. She specializes in strengthening family relationships through play, and conducts play therapy trainings and supervision for various international professional associations. Angela
graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), with a major in Psychology. She completed postgraduate training in the Institute of Child Study at the University of Toronto, Canada
with a specialization in child assessment and counseling. She further received professional training in clinical psychology. She served in various education, social service and clinical
settings in Canada and in Hong Kong before she joined CUHK as a faculty staff. She is now Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK. One of her research interests is
in child assessment and counseling, particularly in using play as an approach for children with special needs and their families. She has served as a consultant for non-government organizations
and schools in providing intervention programs for students with various abilities and needs. She has also published book chapters and research studies, and has presented in Asian and
international conferences in play therapy.
Alicia K. L. Pon
Alicia K. L. Pon has been a child psychotherapist and social worker since 1996. Her training is in general psychology, child and adolescent mental health, play therapy, sandplay therapy,
Somatic Experiencing®, grief counseling and social work. Alicia’s experiences and specializations include divorce and separation, grief and loss, complex trauma, adoption and attachment,
developmental stresses, and parent-child relationship. At present, Alicia is a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Social Work, National University of Singapore. Prior to this, Alicia has
been a staff of and served as an Honorary Assistant Professor with the University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Shue Yan University for six years. She continues to lecture and supervise
undergraduate and postgraduate students in the areas of counseling and psychotherapy, grief and loss, child and adolescent mental health, play therapy and social work. In addition, Dr. Pon has
been highly involved in the research and training on Somatic Work, play therapy, complex trauma, and end of life.