1. International Finance in Practice Boxes—Selected chapters contain International Finance in Practice boxes. These real-world illustrations offer students a practical look at the major
concepts presented in the chapter.
2. In More Depth—Some topics are by nature more complex than others. The chapter sections that contain such material are indicated by the section heading “In More Depth”’ and are in colored
text. These sections may be skipped without loss of continuity, enabling the instructor to easily tailor the reading assignments to the students. End-of-chapter Questions and Problems relating
to the In More Depth sections of the text are also indicated by blue type.
3. Mini Cases—Almost every chapter includes a mini case for student analysis of multiple concepts covered throughout the chapter. These Mini Case problems are “real-world” in nature to show
students how the theory and concepts in the textbook relate to the everyday world.
4. CFA Questions—Many chapters include problems from CFA Program Curriculum study materials. These CFA problems, indicated with the CFA logo, show students the relevancy of what is expected
of certified professional analysts.