畫框•The Picture Frame
我取消自己•I Delete Myself
回憶燒不盡•The Memories Cannot be Burnt Out
雪的聲音•The Sound of Snow
存在的變異•The Variation of Existence
比較狗學•Comparative Cynology
狗在巷子裡跑•The Dog Runs Along the Lane
狗在假寐•The Dog Takes a Nap
詩人的遺言•The Will of a Poet
存在或不存在•Existence or Non-existence
聽海•Listening to the Sea
達里奧的天空•The Sky of Dario
不同的自由•Freedoms in Difference
蟬鳴•Chirping of Cicadas
看海的心事•The Mind Overlooking the Sea
隱藏的情意•Hidden Affection
虛實•Virtual and Real
晚霞•Sunset Glow
致命的美•Fatal Beauty
海的情歌•Love Song from the Sea
林中晨景•Morning in the Forest
詠荷•Ode to Lotus
燈塔自白•Monologue by Lighthouse
殘冬•The End of Winter
故事館•Story House
詩思•Poetry Feeling
神祕的舊宅•Mysterious Old House
故鄉之歌•The Song of Homeland
公雞不鳴•The Cock Doesn’t Crow
我的台灣 我的希望•My Taiwan, My Hope
長椅•The Bench
老人孤獨•The Old Man is Lonesome
螢的心聲•The Voice of Firefly
樹不會孤單•Trees Would Not be Lonesome
大地頌•Ode to the Earth
阿富汗的天空•Afghanistan’s Sky
來到古巴•Arriving in Cuba
切格瓦拉在古巴•Che Guevara in Cuba
給馬奎斯•To Márquez
龍蝦脫殼•The Lobster’s Shell is Shedding
獨立廣場•Independence Square
吊在樹上的傀儡•Puppets Hung on the Branches
在修道院吟詩•Poetry Recital in Cloister
淡水故居•My Old Home at Tamsui
作者簡介•About the Author