Steve Jobs was one of the greatest business leaders of modern times. One of the original founders of Apple Computers, he later rescued the company from failure and led it to unprecedented
commercial success. Apple today is counted among the most creative and admired companies in the world.
Steve was, above all, a man of extremes. Things were either 'wonderful' or 'useless'. There was no middle way.
This is his story.
Packed with audio CD.
Richmond Readers (2) Saturday Storm with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
$316 ~ 387 -
Richmond Readers (1) Jack’s Game with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
Reading Cafe Book 1 (附MP3光碟1片)
$428 ~ 451 -
Macmillan(Advanced): Food Stories
$153 ~ 162 -
Richmond Readers (3) Cold Feet with Audio CDs/2片
$162 -
Outcomes (Elementary) with MP3 CD/1片
$523 -
The Christmas Stories:The Gift of the Magi, The Fir Tree【Grade 1】(25K經典文學改寫讀本+1MP3)
$198 ~ 292 -
Richmond Readers (4) William and Kate:A Royal Romance with Audio CDs/2片
$162 -
Great American Short Stories (20K彩色版)
$252 ~ 288 -
The Green Room (25K彩圖英語讀本+1MP3)
$202 ~ 207 -
The Little Prince(25K原著彩圖版+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
$198 -
The Albatross (25K彩圖英語讀本+1MP3)
$198 ~ 225 -
Richmond Readers (3) P.R. and Prejudice with Audio CDs/2片
$162 -
Richmond Readers (2) Where’s Mauriac? with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
Richmond Readers (2) The Road through the Hills and Other Stories with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
Mega Goal (3) with Audio CDs/3片 (國際版)
$475 -
Richmond Readers (1) The Boy from Yesterday with Audio CD/1片
$144 -
Richmond Readers (2) Jason Causes Chaos with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
Outcomes (Intermediate) with MP3 CD/1片