A Collection of four short stories
The Road through the Hills
A young architecture student arrives in Melbury to study the church. While he is there he finds out about a tragedy that took place many years before.
The Music of the Forest
June wants to draw animals and Larry wants to kill them. Then late one night something happens to change Larry's mind.
The Detective
Peter is a detective in a supermarket. He speaks like a private detective in an American film. But life in the supermarket isn't like in the films.
The Restaurant
An inspector is coming to the restaurant. Everything must be perfect. Clive wants to make a good impression. But who is he trying to impress? Packed with audio CD.
Richmond Readers (1) Maria’s Dilemma with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
Richmond Readers (2) Saturday Storm with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
The Albatross (25K彩圖英語讀本+1MP3)
$198 ~ 225 -
Richmond Readers (2) Where’s Mauriac? with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
Richmond Readers (1) The Boy from Yesterday with Audio CD/1片
$144 -
Great American Short Stories (20K彩色版)
$252 ~ 288 -
Richmond Readers (4) Sense and Sensibility with Audio CDs/3片
$162 -
Reading Buffet Book 2 (附MP3光碟1片)
$450 ~ 475 -
Richmond Readers (5) Steve Jobs:The Man behind Apple with Audio CDs/2片
$190 -
Richmond Readers (4) Jane Eyre with Audio CDs/3片
$162 -
$316 ~ 387 -
Richmond Readers (3) Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with Audio CDs/2片
$162 -
The Christmas Stories:The Gift of the Magi, The Fir Tree【Grade 1】(25K經典文學改寫讀本+1MP3)
$198 ~ 292 -
Reading Cafe Book 2 (附MP3光碟1片)
$428 ~ 451 -
Richmond Readers (3) Cold Feet with Audio CDs/2片
$162 -
Outcomes (Elementary) with MP3 CD/1片
$523 -
Richmond Readers (4) A Trip to London with Audio CDs/2片
$162 -
The Little Prince(25K原著彩圖版+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
$198 -
Richmond Readers (1) Jack’s Game with Audio CD/1片
$152 -
Richmond Readers (4) Dracula with Audio CDs/3片